#decisions to solve the same 1,000 problems 20 times over?
add to that in 40 different settings under 50 scenarios?
- You avoid overthinking and become ruthless about problem solving
- You learn to prioritize, get better at multi-tasking
- You ultimately get better at making quick, fast and prompt decisions
- You start to looking at the common most denominator even for huge issues and then work your way up
- You learn to identify underlying reasons and basis for these problems. Why they occur, common threads and trends.
- You become better at decision making. You take decisions first and then worry about them being correct. From personal experience 95%+ times you are ok.
If your only making 10 decisions a day (understated no), over the years you are taking 10s of 1000s of decisions. Add to that cultural settings change, environment changes, time frame changes and you yourself change.
Decision making is an art. I have come across people who excel and thrive making decisions irrespective of conditions, and environment. Then there are some who need to do a PHD on the topic before making even small decisions.
I do strongly believe that the art of decision making is something that one can cultivate and get better at. No one was born a great at it. Yes, personality comes into play as some people are more carefree, don’t care or think too much about the implications so its easier.
What we should be concerned about is the “Right” call. Becoming efficient so that you become an enabler to yourself and to other.
Some tips to help get better if you struggle
- Force yourself to make faster decisions even if you think you need more time or data (its never enough)
- Consider monetary and time impact of delaying the decision
- Consider impact on other people’s lives as a result of delay
- Remember previous experiences and use them to drive thinking
- Think about worst case scenarios to help alleviate fears
- Get advice if you have time from the most relevant people
- Give yourself a deadline and stick by it
One of my favorite quotes and philosophies I live by daily