There were a number of questions around the challenges of motivating and engaging employees when company is under cost pressure. They still need to attraction, retain and motivate talent and what can they do when they cannot direct spent on tangible factors.
The answer is that it is not easy. In a robust market, in a skills hungry market
#totalrewards plays a huge role as companies are willing to dish out the premiums needed to hire and retain the right quality of talent and skills. However, one of the most overlooked aspect of this challenge is what we call “Employee Experience (EX)”. Within EX the most important area of impact is the manager – employee relationship.
You can work for the best company, the job you wanted, and let’s just say amazing pay. But if you have a manager that makes your daily life miserable then none of the above matter. Similarly, a fantastic manager will reduce the pain of working for any company, not having decent pay but he/she will ensure you’re on-the-job experience is amazing. They will work with you, invest in your and ensure you are maximizing.
We still see why 2 out of 3 companies continue to struggle with
#performancemanagement and in my humble view a huge potion is linked to this aspect of EX. People still tell me how their managers are distant, and they barely speak throughout the year. Yet we then expect employees to accept non justifiable performance assessments at year-end.
Below is just a small list of how a manager influences and impacts your life in the company.
Direct Influence on quality of Daily Work
Communication and Feedback on work
Supports Career Development
Recognition and Appreciation
Huge part on your Work-Life Balance
Helps navigate Conflict Resolution
Provides Emotional Support in tough times
Alignment with Company Culture
Engagement personally and professionally
Helps manage Overall Well-Being
70-80% of your employee experience is linked to managers. Companies need to invest in how they upskill, prepare managers for tomorrow and built the foundational capability of having the right conversation with their employee at the right time. Trust, relationship building starts with the right kind of communication. Cultures are built of this.