- Covered roughly 300 managers and Head of Departments over 9 days in Faisalabad and Lahore across all the businesses.
- Covered 4 distinct Performance Conversations as part of our Performance Acceleration Model (PAM).
- Focused on how to approach each conversation differently and show casing what each conversation looks like through examples and role plays.
- Highlighted the criticality of manager – employee relationship and shared some of the latest global research on this.
- Showcasing the power of asking questions, contemplation and reflection.
- Talking about diagnosis, discovery and direction as part of these conversations.
- Differentiating manager vs employee responsibility as part of these conversations.
- We showcased the power of coaching conversations.
A lot of managers personally came to me at the end of each day and shared how they really enjoyed understanding a new approach to these conversations.
Audience conceded how difficult it is to ask questions & reflect and to hold back from problem solving (which is what we do 95% of the time).
They conceded they learned something entirely new.
They experienced something different and new in the role plays even though they been in the company for many years
I am really thankful to Saira Khan, KASHIF JAVAID and Imran Riaz who partnered with us on the design, coverage and delivery. The fact that we delivered this workshop to all people managers is a huge testament to the leadership at Interloop Limited and how progressive they are in their thinking realizing the massive impact performance management has on company and employee performance.
A huge shout to the HR team again who have in a very short amount of time made huge headways in performance management there.