A major difference b/w TA vs 90%+ startups is that we have not raised any funds. It is a very conscious decision and while I have had a few offers I have been very clear about not raising funds as long as possible.
This makes progress slow, as I am relying completely on organic growth
It has given me more time to think, network, not jump and rush
I am financially independent, not bogged down by costs or answerable to anyone for their money
After 2 decades in the corporate sector, good challenge to own all the decisions
One of my strength is optimizing employment cost. If I don’t practice what I preach then no point. Keeping costs to minimum helps long term sustainability. I use freelancers when needed for flexibility.
It also means I have to be my own accountant, commas person, sales, marketing, product designer etc. which is not fun.
If I get big projects, I have a team of experts I can tap on. Makes financials much easier to handle and not burdened by costs.
Huge impact on how fast I can bring products to the market. It sucks that the progress is slow but for now it’s alright
Actively spending time to learn new things
Networking has taken a whole new level. I am meeting people to not only sell services, but also understand their challenges better. I listen with a different ear
I don’t like selling even though what TA can do for companies is amazing but directly selling is something I struggle with but I am learning everyday
Learning more about marketing. Test, try, repeat. Early days
Learning about corporate taxes, financial rulings, pricing is new
Meeting people means understanding human psychology better
Flexibility is unmatched
I am able to travel for personal or work as and when needed, give more time towards personal responsibilities
I can take day time naps and manage gym time easily
Love not having to take calls 6-7 am
Choose not to do anything for a few hours 😊
TA is not the purpose of my life
This is controversial but I didn’t start TA to make my life more difficult
One of the core purposes of TA is to build the next generation of leaders and upskilling HR in a few areas. Cannot do both if I am only running after making money. I want to do both.
Want to help companies and individuals grow but not at the expense of what is important to me
I am eager to learn and challenge myself. Raising funds would put me in a rat race. I don’t do normal, never have
Running your own company is not for everyone
I have met many startups and their founders. Just because you can doesn’t mean you should
While it has never been easier to run your own company, reality is 90% fail and reasons make sense
Companies close either because the product/monetization is wrong or they just don’t bother building operating structures. This applies to some larger companies as well.
Some things only come with experience. No amount of money or intelligence can help